155. DogsGPT

We asked ChatGPT to write the blurb for episode 155 and this, lightly edited, is the self-promotional fluff she came up with:

In this episode of Shed Dogs, we sit down with Cam Burrows to talk about everyone's favorite AI language model, ChatGPT! Join us as we talk about ChatGPT’s impressive adoption rate and its wide range of uses, from writing to customer service. We'll also dive into the controversy surrounding the product, including attempts to jailbreak the model and the legal implications of its use. Plus, we'll explore some of the more lighthearted aspects of ChatGPT, like its tone and potential for advertising [huh?—Ed.]. We even share some hilarious mishaps with Google's AI [nice work Chad!—Ed.]. And don't worry if you're new to the ChatGPT game—we'll explain how it works and why it's such a game-changer. So kick back, grab a cold one, and join us for a fun and informative chat about all things ChatGPT!

Are… you… a puppy?!?!?